Decisiv has achieved the rank of #21 for fastest growing companies in Virginia based on growth indicators and a predictive analysis algorithm unique to the Growjo 10000. Decisiv’s rank is a recognition of high growth indicators that include employee size, brand awareness, funding, acquisitions, hiring plans, new locations and additional trigger events that formulate and predict the company is growing at an increased rate and/or is poised to grow significantly over the next 3-6 months.
“Rankings on Growjo 10000 reports are based on a data point algorithm formulated to identify companies that are on a steadily increasing growth path,” said Tom Blue, CEO, Growjo. “We are excited to share the achievements of the company rankings on our site because they represent the highest growing companies and those companies that are poised for growth in the foreseeable future.”
Learn more about how companies are ranked and download the list for free at
About Growjo
Growjo, the leader in identifying the list of the top growing companies in the world, utilizes more than 20 unique growth indicators to assimilate the Growjo 10000 every month. Growjo recognizes the top growing companies for their accomplishments through the algorithm-based list ranking and offers the list to anyone interested in an easily formatted and free downloadable format. If you are interested in learning more about Growjo and how you can subscribe to updates and download the free list, visit
About Decisiv, Inc.
Decisiv provides a cloud-based Service Relationship Management (SRM) platform that revolutionizes how the service supply chain for commercial assets communicates and collaborates. As the industry leader in SRM technology, Decisiv is driving unrivaled improvement in asset performance and utilization for manufacturers, service providers and asset owners in the commercial vehicle, heavy equipment, and industrial markets. The SRM platform’s ability to harness, share and analyze connected asset data, and to intelligently enable service management, is the key to driving asset uptime and availability. Decisiv is the partner of choice for major commercial vehicle manufacturers, including Volvo, Mack, Hino, Peterbilt and Kenworth, as well as their dealers and call centers, service networks and asset owners. For more information, visit: