
Decisiv SRM Discovery Status Tracker is driving measurable service process improvements at TranSource, Inc.

For nearly 20 years at all nine of its TranSource Truck & Trailer Centers, TranSource, Inc. has benefited from their use of the ASIST platform, powered by Decisiv. The Service Relationship Management (SRM) system is central to their entire service operations process from starting cases when vehicles are checked in, to managing notes and service histories. The platform is also a key means of communication between service managers and advisors, shop foremen, technicians, parts personnel, and facilities.

At TranSource, ASIST is integrated with the Noregon JPRO diagnostic software used during check-in. Case information in the platform is also exported to the dealership’s Karmak Fusion Dealer Management System for invoicing.

TranSource manages an average of 720 service cases per month on ASIST. About 120 people, including service advisors, managers, technicians, parts personnel and warranty administrative staff, are using the platform. Everyone is trained on ASIST as part of their role in the TranSource Truck & Trailer Centers service operation, starting with new hires.

To enable a deeper dive into service event performance data, TranSource became an early adopter of Decisiv SRM Discovery Status Tracker. The reporting suite provides information via management dashboards on the time intervals spent on check-in, estimate creation, waiting on parts, and other steps for every event in the service process. It can also be used to monitor statuses across departments and locations.

“Everything starts with the Decisiv-built ASIST platform. It’s a cradle to grave solution for our service facilities that is used by everyone involved with service activities. If it’s not in ASIST it doesn’t exist.”

Kevin Bowers
Director of Service Operations
TranSource, Inc.

Measurable improvements

Using SRM Discovery Status Tracker over a five-month period, days out of service at TranSource Truck & Trailer Centers dropped 19.6% per case on average. This includes a 2.8% productivity increase based on the number of service cases handled at its nine facilities over the same period.

TranSource has also realized several significant and specific improvements, including:

  • 42.9% less time before the first status is entered on a case
  • 25.5% less time spent waiting for customer estimate approval
  • 20.1% less days when vehicles were designated as checked in
  • 19% less days of diagnostic time
  • 18.1% less days holding for parts
  • 30.4% reduction in yard waiting time
  • 23.6 % fewer days spent waiting for the next status while service work was complete

“Once we started to use Decisiv SRM Discovery Status Tracker to identify opportunities, our locations have been performing more consistently by focusing on best practices. It’s very beneficial when you can run a report and show people in-depth information and where they can improve. When it’s right in front of you that way it’s a whole different story.”

Cameron Meadows
Corporate Service Coordinator
TranSource, Inc.

Using actionable data effectively

Transource has also focused on providing concise and actionable information by delivering key Status Tracker information directly into Decisiv SRM Vision management dashboards. That information is used to identify in real-time where problems exist and improvements are needed across the dealership’s service operations. Highlighting exceptions to key operations statuses enables their managers to take immediate action.

With Status Tracker data and the Vision dashboard, the dealership group’s service locations have one hundred percent visibility into the largest percentages of time spent during events.

With the promise of providing a diagnosis within two hours of check in, TranSource focused first on that service event status. Using Vision and Status Tracker data, they can easily see the cases that have exceeded the two-hour threshold and make sure the correct status has been noted as the event progresses.

The statuses are also valuable by eliminating a considerable amount of the time that was being spent previously searching for information to provide customer updates. In addition, shop foremen and service advisors can now easily carry over cases from one shift to the next and immediately know the status of a vehicle.

“We used to do a lot of digging through case notes because we couldn’t trust that the status of a service event was correct. With Status Tracker all that changed. Everyone in our service operation could now see that the status information is accurate. Once they saw the value their confidence in the system grew quickly. It’s like a 180 from where we were.”
– Cameron Meadows
“Decisiv SRM Discovery Status Tracker and SRM Vision have been good investments for us. It’s been money well spent every month for what we get out of it. You can’t win the game if you don’t know the score. With these technologies we have very powerful tools for improving performance across our entire dealership group’s service organization.” – Kevin Bowers
About TranSource

TranSource, Inc. is full service medium- and heavy-duty commercial truck dealership group offering sales, parts, service, leasing and rental, and contract maintenance across the state of North Carolina. TranSource Truck & Trailer Centers offer Mack, Volvo, Hino and Isuzu trucks and provide parts and service from nine locations located throughout North Carolina in Greensboro, Hickory, Salisbury, Raleigh, Rocky Mount, Fayetteville, St. Pauls, Clinton, and Wilmington.

About Decisiv

Decisiv SRM platform revolutionizes how the service supply chain for commercial assets communicates and collaborates. As the industry leader in service management technology, Decisiv is driving unrivaled improvement in asset performance and utilization for manufacturers, service providers and asset owners in the commercial vehicle market.

The SRM platform’s service orchestration capability that harnesses, shares and analyzes connected asset data, and intelligently enables service management, is the key to driving asset uptime and availability. Decisiv is the partner of choice for major commercial vehicle manufacturers, including Volvo, Mack, Hino, Isuzu, Peterbilt, Kenworth and Michelin, as well as their dealers and call centers, service networks and asset owners.